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Organisations Archive

Information about previous organisations

Our village is blessed with a range of organisations and societies that provide something of interest to everyone. Further details can be found on the village website or by following one of the links below:

Allotment Society
Allotment site is beyond the cemetery in Fiddlers Lane. Perhaps the main attraction of an allotment is being able to control exactly what goes into the food you eat. Secretary: Tom Martin (Tel 813320).

Competition results June 2018

Amité Francaise Club
Club for those interested in France, its language and way of life, with eleven meetings a year, usually on the third Friday of every month at The Priory Centre, Church Road, Stretton. More >>> 

(Burton) Art Club
Art club with strong links with Rolleston and has a nucleus of enthusiastic members from the village, with meetings held each Monday at 7.00pm at Stretton Methodist Church Schoolroom (next to the Co-op). For further information of the club’s activities and programme please contact Anne Jollands on 531440.More >>> 

Burton Flower Club
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Burton Friendship Club
A club for the over 50s with monthly meetings held in Rolleston Club. More >>>

‘Chapter & Verse’ and ‘2nd Chapter’
If you enjoy reading a wide variety of literature and would like to review and discuss your reads with friends, then Rolleston’s reading club – ‘Chapter & Verse’ and ‘2nd Chapter’ – invites you to come along and join them. The style will be informal, informative and fun. For further information and dates please contact Maggie Gawthorpe 812621 or Margaret Clarke on 813709.

Civic Trust
A village society established to stimulate interest, promote high standards of planning and secure the preservation and conservation of Rolleston on Dove. Usually meet 3rd Wednesday of the month 8.00pm at Rolleston Cricket Club. Secretary: Anne Overton (Tel 815332). More >>> 

De Ferrers Academy (PSFA)
The local secondary school providing education for the surrounding villages. The school Parents Staff and Friends Association (PSFA) work for the good of the school, organising fund raising and social events. Chair – PSFA: Andrea Tantrum. She can be contacted on

Doveside WI
One of two local WIs with meetings held on the third Friday morning of every month except August at 9.45am in Rolleston Club. Always pleased to welcome visitors and new members. President: Elspeth Dickinson. Doveside WI has its own website. The current programme can be read here.

Friends of John of Rolleston Primary School
FOJORPS is the organisation which brings together parents past and present, teachers, governors and friends of the village school. Its main objective is to further the education of the pupils, mainly through fund raising. (The facts of school life these days are that organisations like this are called on to pay for things that used to be taken for granted). Organises the annual Community Day in June – a major fund raising event for the School. FOJORPS raises well over £5,000 each year, all of which is used to enhance the school experience of the pupils in a number of ways. These include increasing the provision of computer equipment, contributing to school trips, Christmas parties and theatrical performances. New volunteers are always welcome! Chair of FOJORPS Russell Copley (07976 964881) Website:

Neighbourhood Watch
More >>> 

Pre-School and Playgroup

Pre-School sessions for children age 3+ are held at the infant site of John of Rolleston Primary School. Morning session 9.00-12.00, afternoon session 12.30-3.30. From January 2014 children in their Pre-School year will be able to stay with us throughout the day from 9am to 3.30pm. Spaces are limited. If you would like to register your child for pre-school or have any queries regarding sessions, please contact Lolene Poxon, Pre-School Manager on 01283 247523/07376 884913 Check out the website or facebook page for more details.

Rolleston Playgroup – which was set up over 35 years ago – is organised by Pre-School and led by voluntary co-ordinators and members of the Pre-School committee, sessions are held in the Rolleston Club. Age Guide, birth – three and a half years: Tuesday, Friday 10.00am-11.30am (term time). Please check with the playgroup leader about Friday sessions as they only run three out of four Fridays a month. Playgroup liaison officer: Amy Wroughton

RODSEC is a coordinating body for village organisations and interested residents. Its aim is to provide periodic community events, to raise funds to enhance community amenities and assist in preservation of the village. The Chairman is John Phillips. More >>>

Rolleston Almshouse Charity
Charity responsible for the up-keep and administration of the almshouses in Burnside. Chairman Mr Simon Richardson.

Further details can be found here:

Rolleston Brownies and Guides
Brownies meet at Rolleston Scout HQ, 5.30 – 6.45pm on Wednesdays and the Guides at the OGS, 7.15 – 9.00 pm on Thursdays. Contact Carol Johnson Tel 520743 for more details.

Rolleston (Music Circle &) Choral Society
If you enjoy singing and good company (it’s not all serious stuff!) then go along and join in. Rehearsals in the meeting room on the first floor of Spread Eagle Inn every Wednesday evening at 7.40 pm. More details from Nick Willmot, on 565992 , or e-mail: . More >>> 

Rolleston Club
Activities include darts, snooker, quizzes, bingo and live entertainment. The club also has a very nice bowling green. The committee is very happy to show prospective members around. Tel 812072. More >>>

Rolleston Club Angling
A fishing club based in the village and offering the opportunity to fish in the local  river, canal and ponds in the area, Sunday matches and informal meetings over a pint of beer. Chairman: T N James.

Rolleston Cricket Club
The village cricket club, Dovecliff Road. Clubhouse and pitch. Secretary: Steve Cooper (Tel 07739 760786). More >>> 

Rolleston Football Club
100 plus children (boys and girls) from the age of 6 upwards training each week at Craythorne Playing fields. If you require any further information about the Club, please contact Secretary Patrick Ganley on 07813140055.

Rolleston History Group
More >>> 

Rolleston Kindergarten
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Rolleston-on-Dove Station Heritage Group
A part of The Rolleston Engineering and Transport Society (TREATS). More >>>

Rolleston-on-Dove WI
Meetings usually held on the first Monday in the month at 7.15 pm in John of Rolleston School, Chapel Lane. Visitors welcome. President: Mrs Verity Conner Tel 813414. More >>>

Rolleston United Foundation
Educational charity making small annual grants to young people for books or equipment. Secretary: Mrs Verity Conner (Tel 813414). More >>> 

Royal British Legion
Rolleston-on-Dove Branch. Chairman: Mr George Featherstone (Tel 814503). The Branch meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 7pm at Rolleston Club. More >>> 

Scout Group
The scouts, cubs, beavers provide children with a wide range of activities and outings, summer camp, etc. Group Scout Leader: Graham Jacks (Mobile: 07768047332). More >>> 

TREATS (The Rolleston Engineering And Transport Society)
Chat about engineering and old vehicles over a pint. More >>> 

Tutbury Community Wind Band
A local brass band with junior and senior sections having membership from local villages. Contact: Sue McLoughlin (tel. 537887).

Tutbury Flower Club
This local Flower Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm, Tutbury Institute, High Street, Tutbury. New members and visitors are always welcome. The club has regular demonstrations, workshops and social events throughout the year. Club secretary Jane Howard  813856.

Village Design Statement Group
The Group provides an opportunity to contribute to the beneficial running of the village without the same level of exposure expected of a councillor. Contact Val Galloway Tel 814060. More >>> 

Village Liaison Committee
Periodic meetings between members of the Parish Council and representatives of village organisations to review Council activities and local opinion. Secretary: Clerk to the Parish Council.

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