Best Kept Village
Information about the Best Kept Village Competititon
The Parish Council no longer feels that entering the best kept village competition is the best use of the limited resources and funds that it has available. However, entry does not have to be led by the Parish Council and if any individual or organisation wishes to consider leading this then please contact the Parish clerk to discuss further.
The results and details from the last entry are below.
What is Best Kept Village?
The Best Kept Village Competition is organised annually by the Best Kept Village Working Group on behalf of the Community Council of Staffordshire. It has been in operation for nearly 60 years. Originally part of the Keep Britain Tidy initiative, it has now expanded to include all aspects of caring for the village environment. The aim is to encourage community spirit throughout the year and to stimulate pride in villages. The competition is judged by independent volunteer judges who make unscheduled visits during the summer months and mark what they notice during these visits.
What is judged and marked in BKV?
The judges will develop an overall impression of the community spirit of the residents but mark on the following features:
BKV Publicity and Awareness; Children’s Posters; Notice Boards; Local Information (including Recycling and Dog-
Judging normally takes place between the beginning of May and mid-
What are our aims?
To make Rolleston an even more pleasant place in which to live
To enhance community spirit and stimulate pride in the village
To be judged as the Best Kept Village in East Staffordshire
Who can be involved?
Anyone and everyone of all ages can be involved. The Parish Council has taken the decision to enter and will co-
You do not have to belong to a village organisation and you will not be asked to commit to anything you do not want to do! Families and young people are especially welcome. Even if you don’t want to attend meetings or become formally involved there are many ways that you can help:
Report problem areas and concerns
Adopt an area or arrange a litter-
Again, notify the BKV Co-
Come on a Tidy-
The future of our environment depends on the next generation developing an interest in it. Bringing children to an organised litter-
Maintain a tidy front garden
No one can, or should, tell you how to design your own front garden. Sometimes work and family commitments and adverse weather conditions can stop us from getting out there and cutting the grass, weeding between the block-
Clear up after the dog
Please use dog-
Become a sponsor
Sponsorship can become a very important part of BKV. If you have a business in the village, in the surrounding areas, or would consider becoming a sponsor, please get in touch.
If you are interested in any of the above and would like more information please contact any member of Rolleston Parish Council.